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Old 19-11-2012, 04:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Xan
One friend said it's like going to work just so we may come home again.

I see our life here as a game of hide and seek... we hid from ourselves and from love for the joy of finding again.

There's a lot of suffering in this game of loss, so hopefully the finding part continues to increase exponentially and we can play something more fun.


Perhaps we started taking love for granted! It makes sense to me though, this view.

I have been thinking recently, we are all like vulnerable and innocent children that have learned to be really tough, and cover up that vulnerability, because we've been hurt along the way so much. We've learned to become a predator to avoid being the prey, but by being a predator, we are contributing to society's predatory nature. When I look at people in this light, it seems to help me cultivate compassion.

Somehow, we need to use the wisdom we have attained as adults, yet bring out our inner child, so the two can come together. Then we can be innocent once more, but know how not to be crushed by the world.

I find all too much that I still get crushed by the world, by society.
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