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Old 13-11-2012, 09:31 AM
blue flotsam blue flotsam is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 39
Lightworker and 21.12.2012

I initially got interested in spirituality about ten years ago but lately have floundered under the (not so) normal pressures of life and lost my way. However, I have been reading about the Ascension of the Earth and I have a couple of worries.

I can identify with much of what has been said about being a Lightworker. I also had an OBE which did not involve major trauma or drugs, when I was about 12 years old, which gives me more confidence in my belief that we simply do not just 'die'.

Also I was prompted a couple of years ago to take a job which was as far removed from any employment I have ever done before, in Care in the Community. I learned a lot and I found it hugely rewarding and I am now wondering if this was a way of preparing me for what I may need to know in the future?

My pack of Angel cards very very regularly will tell me that I am a Lightworker and last night I sat and shuffled them and asked 'Okay, if I really am a Lightworker then show me with right card now.' I shuffled and took the top card off the deck and yes, it was 'Indriel'.

So now I am worried that I dont know what is going to happen and what will be expected of me, and mostly, are my vibrations high enough? How do I raise them? Do I need to?

I am equally excited and worried about what 21.12.20 might bring and if I really am a Lightworker I want to give my all in this. How do I prepare myself?
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