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Old 01-11-2012, 02:57 AM
Posts: n/a
To sunflwrdanzr

I'll respond to this in parts....

"I love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore." cop out and another said "Love is a choice not a feeling so that's not possible." (Which yes listening to that and typing it doesn't make sense!If it is just a choice, then you could just choose to not love someone! lol.) Another girl was saying " If you loved someone once, then you will always love them, no matter what. I think you can hide your heart and try not to love but the more you deny it, it will come back and bite you in the butt later!"

Firstly, though:

To Element 5
I think when we were young, teenagers especially, we were often times fooled by what love really was. Sometimes we were simply lusting after someone without really even knowing them...and called it love. I think as we grow and mature, we understand better what love really is and are able to give and receive it the way we should. And I've also come to believe that the more we love ourselves the better equipped we are to love others. So it makes sense to me that as we grow into adulthood, and hopefully mature and learn through experiences, that we make better choices on who to give that love to.
I can understand how the students could apply those beliefs to their lives at that age and even to some of their own experiences, but I also believe that they would have very different answers if you asked them again in 15 years.

****Totally agree with this - love it ******

"I love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore" - I think this is a very legitimate sentiment, regardless of age. You can love someone (as a friend, family member, etc.) but it does not mean you are "in love with them" (in a romantic relationship context). And sometimes what you think started as being "in love" with can later realize in hindsight that you truly just "loved them" as a person, but NOT in a romantic way, after all..

"Love is a choice not a feeling so that's not possible." - This one I have to disagree with! Love is most certainly a feeling....and yes, you can choose to ignore/disregard that feeling, if necessary...but it doesn't mean the feeling goes away. I have family members that I haven't seen or communicated with in years....but I still love them. But that love is tucked away inside my heart, because I have no way of sharing it with them anymore...but it's still there!

" If you loved someone once, then you will always love them, no matter what. I think you can hide your heart and try not to love but the more you deny it, it will come back and bite you in the butt later!" - I agree with the first part of this statement absolutely (the part I underlined). The second part.....not so sure....
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