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Old 06-10-2012, 09:24 PM
astralsuzy astralsuzy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Hi all, two mornings ago, I got a vibration that I could not feel my body. I knew what I had to do and that was to move myself but I felt lazy and I did not do it. The ap ended.
Yesterday morning I got the same vibration but I felt uncomfortable as I thought my sheet was not on me so the experience ended.
This morning I waited to ap but it did not happen. I did not give up. Late in the morning I imagined something and I was there. I have a problem that I do not stay out in the astral for very long. I got advice that I need to be more aware to stay out longer. I kept saying I am aware and I was feeling my hands, face and the wall. I felt groggy, like I was half asleep. For some reason I said I can see. I could already see and I opened my physical eyes and I woke up. That is what I am practicing to do when I am out of my body. I must be aware and alert before I do anything. It is very important.
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