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Old 25-09-2012, 08:44 PM
Papa Bear Papa Bear is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,186
Absolutely fascinating daz, thanks for being so open. I have from about sixteen, had an affinity with Orion, even taught my children to recognize three stars as `bill` `ben` and `bob` for associations purpose. (The things you pass on to your kid`s lol)

I have associated that because all energy forms, within matter, are ethereal in their purest state. That it would only require a change in the frequency of vibration, to produce, or reproduce apports. Similarly the process of producing ectoplasm would need the ethereal vibration of the bio-electromagnetic energies of the medium, to pass through a similar transfiguration, reproducing a manifestation of that ether as an act of alchemy, into an ectoplasmic state of manifest energy. (Goodness have I oversimplified or what lol)

As a curiosity, a few hours ago, one of my daughters e-mailed me a couple of photo`s, that she had received from a friend who had recently lost a parent. They were family pictures, and both had `orbs` in them. Taken by two different camera`s, different times, places, and she had wondered what they were.

I had just completed a little clarification of the pictures. A little more focus enlarging, contrast, colour variation, type of thing, to bring into highlight, the most interesting `face in ectoplasm`. Having just e-mailed the results back to my daughter, just before I came on the forum, I now find myself in conversation about ectoplasm.

Originally Posted by God-Like
Not sure I completely understand your question P.B. but I am aware that for ectoplasm to manifest there needs a physical chemical / elelment present within the physical medium . There is a mixture of physical and etheric properties that produces the ectoplasm . Depending on the chemical make up at the time will reflect as to whether or not the ectoplasm will form in to a physical substance that can be felt as such . The fog at times that we have experienced is not physical to touch and has not materialised as the finished article so although the substance occupies 3d space there is a bridge so to speak to that is connected to that which is etheric in nature .. Without the spirit/etheric energies present there is no manifestation of the spirit that can be formed of a physical structure ..
We were saying the same thing daz my question was already answered.

Though I would speculate, that beyond the direct ethereal influence of the Spirit guides. And the physical medium, that those who sit in circle, are drawn on, in a similar way as the physical medium themselves. Not to the same degree as the physical medium, but in similar etheric/biological chemistry way. As the energy requirements of physical mediumship are unique, the capacity of the sitters in that circle would have to be, balanced, selfless and with a capacity to harmonize in a unique way. But every respect to you daz, as Spirit require the most unique individual to work with the required demands of physical mediumship. And doing so reflects the greatest respect from me and Spirit. I am certain the sought after results will arrive and reflect well on you, your Spirit guides and the members of your circle. Power to you all.

That's really cool P.B. Thanks for sharing .. Things like that never leave one's mind do they .. There is so much beauty and joy when one is in union with spirit .. The merging of two minds the merging of two worlds, the surrender and the trust and the faith that one has that allows such a process to become them _ is nothing but a total reflection of one's self . I applaud you P.B.
Namaste daz. The inner experiences of the interconnectivity of entranced mediumship are rarely, if ever reflected as it is the surface results which draw focus. But it is within those resonance flows that the true nature of Spiritual development unravels for the medium.

From such experience, I developed a clairsentience which allowed me, as a circle leader, to `merge` with the resonances flows, filling and encompassing another developing trance mediums condition, as it evolved in their entranced state. That allowed me the most intimate reflections, with the Spirit who sought to connect with them, enabling me with the required awareness to support and aid, a spiritual developing circle.

Being able to give back, from what had been given to me, was the perfect balance in a Spiritual human beings development. And I loved every moment of it.

Absolutely .. When the penny drops the smile rises . I was at a spiritualist church two weeks ago and both my grandads came through from spirit and they spoke of the many stepping stones that my journey has contained . It's only when you have reached a certain point can then one look back and realize the relevance of, or the necessity of attaining the previous point / stepping stone . This message was given to me at the same time as something energy related that has been going on with me for many a year has only just made sense . (kundalini) but it only ever could of made sense at this particular point if you see what I mean . Very apt was the message .
I can empathize with the essence of that experience. When I first came across the chakra system from studies, I recognized (with a smile) that that’s what I had been harmonizing myself with, in self and shared healing, for three years. But it came at a time when I was looking to clarify that healing into a clairsentience for use in a development circle.

Looking back can be like a manual of the stages of self -development, with the inclusions of the most enlightening processes of Spiritual and human interconnectivities. It astounded me to recognize how much I understood, before I knew, as that could only be confirmed many years later, when I did know.
I am Happy for the messages you received daz, and glad they lifted your clarity.

I agree P.B. .. The names put forward however have always been through their intention to do so . For some reason I have always been given names, some never or hardly ever get names . . it's just the way it is for me .. I don't suppose there is any great attachment had to the name that is of the spirit that is putting forward such names but it has helped me understand whom is working with me and in what field / line of work that would be .. I would say that is the meaning / reason behind why they do .
This I completely understand, I was associating to sharing that information with others, and the advice you received from tutors, was maybe good advice. Thanks again daz, I have and am enjoying sharing your excellent reflections, and having the opportunity to freely express from my own experiential awareness.
Peace be with you
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