Thread: Pulse diagnosis
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Old 18-09-2012, 04:13 PM
Sorai Rai Aorai Sorai Rai Aorai is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 665
Originally Posted by Barnacle
I'm seeing an acupuncturist right now and she seems to be real good, she checked my pulse with her fingers and instantly knew all kinds of things that are wrong with me. She knew I grew up near the sea, she knew I have asthma, trouble concentrating, bad short term memory, low energy etc. She said she can tell from my pulse that I have an energy imbalance. She said that there are 28 (can't remember the number) different types of pulses or something like that.

Where can I find more info about these 28 different types of pulses and more specifically, the pulse that I have? Can acupuncture balance this energy imbalance and if so, does your pulse change when your energy becomes balanced?

Here's some info on pulse diagnosis: Indeed, much can be learned from the pulse by a practitioner highly experienced in taking it. Acupuncture is used to stimulate your body to correct its own imbalances, which may often be found in the pulse. If this is successful, the pulse quality should improve. This is just one of the many diagnostic methods acupuncturists have to choose from. There is also diagnosis by palpation of energetic zones of the abdomen and thorax, tongue Diagnosis, looking at the face, palpating acupoints for info on the state of their specific function, questioning and listening, smelling, and feeling the patient's Qi itself, to name a few.

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