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Old 07-11-2010, 05:05 PM
novaspirit novaspirit is offline
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Whether or not anything has any physical proof or not depends on the person and their personal views. To some, what matters is how it makes them feel. To some proof is not defined by mathematics or equations or something that can be reproduced in a lab. But it doesn't make their viewpoints any less valid than a person who defines their views that uses such to define their understanding.

Changes in Spiritual understanding that goes along with many different religious views and beliefs is constant. The flow of energies is constant. That is the only thing that cannot be stopped is change. Every decision you make causes change. You could make a decision that later on your wish you made another decision given the chance for a do over. Everything changes. That is the change I'm talking about the constant flow of energy.

Nonsense on Scientist not ridiculing each other on finding planets around other stars? I find that rather astonishing since I watch a lot of shows based on discoveries in space, and I hear a lot of the scientist talk about how they were ridiculed before their idea was accepted. Some of those things are still hotly debated in the community today, such as whether Pluto should remain as a planet or be delegated to a dwarf planet.