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Old 23-08-2006, 02:47 AM
Posts: n/a
thats instreastin one thing if energy cant just dissapear and it cant be created then how did this whole lie happen??(physical)

ok on to hauntin my moms house is from the 20's and apparentally when i was younger i thought there was somethin there
so yea kinda neat not really coldspots--unless you count the vent when the ac is on--
with the voice thing ill hear my name not really pay attention to the voice--more where its comin from--and its usially where there are outher people from like the art museum to mall of america i dont think im ever directally alone when it happens (directally like home alone only one in bathroom hall the like) but i guess its happenned enough that im usted to it and dont really think much of it(meanin when i hear it i dont yell out what or the like just look in the direction and see whats there)