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Old 10-09-2012, 05:41 PM
Chrysaetos Chrysaetos is offline
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You call property unhealthy? Well my friend that's what a communist would say.

Democracy is still the best option we have (it recognizes differences). As for the few that control the many, If you live your life with the attitude then you won't get far. In our western world you have the means to achieve a successful life. If we want to blame it all on the government or ''the rich'' then we don't really propose a new system, we're just lining up with socialists and communists... blaming our lack of motivation on those who don't lack it.

Why should hard working, educated people pay for the attitudes of the lazy in the western world? I've seen poverty in Africa and Asia, people who lack welfare.
When I go home I see people willingly living on the dole and people who didn't pay attention back in school, and then they blame society..
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