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Old 09-09-2012, 12:29 AM
silent whisper
Posts: n/a
In others expression of their truth, until one can accept that it is just that..then why would you see it as a burden to others..When we realize that the all that we need is within, we do not have to carry the burden of what others believe, we accept their beliefs/understandings/experiences...

In answer to your question, how many of us living in oneness, we all do, just that some of us question it to remember and to experience it for themselves..:)

In your questioning of lose the question you can ask yourself in light of this awareness opening up. Why do I question the motivation of others? Is this just another concept to find my own heaven on earth?
do you see?

Your rock when turned over in light of *you* and not others is a way to discover the magic that others have found...of course questioning is wonderful in any form...but sometimes we forget that we are the oneness that find our way home..some in this reality some not...perhaps you are *one* or not..the answer is in you.
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