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Old 08-09-2012, 12:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Selenphina
I'm sorry... didn't mean to start a debate. The theory is good with good ideas. I just have the habit if questioning everything and I don't know if in reality it would work out as good as it sounds. It's true our current system in the U S does not work. As for communism, I'm not an expert but is that where all are paid equally despite the work done and it is the idea of primary concern for the common good and social classes are equalled? It just seemed similar is all but I could really be wrong about that cause I haven't studied it in depth. Anyway... I mean no harm here, I just don't trust anyone in power because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In a different world it could work but i'm not sure in this one for a while yet. I know about not having money... My husband lost his job a while ago and I was a stay at home mom. We didn't have much to live on before he lost his job, and we have two children so it is hard. I'm looking at finding a seasonal job soon, so that will help for a few months. anyhoo.. peace.

Who's debating ?

You mentioned a 'different world', but know there are powers at play that would keep this world the same as a different better world for the people would be detrimental to those who now wield such powers. Kind of what happened to Batista's regime in Cuba. I'm not claiming Cuba is now some utopia, but no one is starving there and at least they have free college and medical care. Sure they don't have the latest gadgets, fashions, modern automobiles and the other material things like what's used to keep Americans subdued and peacefully pacified, but it's a lot better than when the imperialistic puppet Batista was running the show.

I wish you and your family all the best.
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