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Old 07-09-2012, 08:20 AM
Tezorian Tezorian is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 59
Ending capitalism is possible...

I'm posting here what i posted in another blog. I'm curious about the negative aspects, the positive ones are pretty obvious. And i would like to note that this idea is not possible within a small time frame.

Originally Posted by Aug 21st 2012
A pretty idealistic and utopian (perhaps) idea. For 3 days now, i've been trying to figure out a way to end capitalism. I've got a very rough sketch about it. One of which i'm sure will work, but also not unrealistic. It will take a long time before it well end it.

How? Just get rid of the current banking system and create another from scratch. Negative part about it is it's completely virtual. No currency. The other setback on this is, is that some device needs to be developed or created that will allow wireless payments from anywhere.
Positive thing is, every working or retired Man will receive the same monthly income. No money will be created if we run out, because it can't run out. All you will have is a monthly limit to spend. You'll no longer have millionaires or whatever. Everything that is being payed is only virtual. The limit is there to prevent people from taking anything they want. Basically it's a supervised trade system. Companies will only register employees, which will be tagged in the system as working. As such, they will receive the monthly limit. Freelancers will still need to be payed, but they will also receive no more than the monthly limit. Every person will receive the same each month (IF they are working or retired). Every bit you earn more will go void and not registered in the person's account.
Old currency will not be converted to the new system either. It's virtual and as such it's a completely self-sufficient system.

Blergh... pretty rough idea. I already know there are people who will say this is not going to work. I disagree, since they are thinking in the capitalistic way and as such remain there with their perception.
The part where they say that this system will never be accepted by the big corporations are also stuck on the previous point. It will take time to be accepted, but in the end it WILL be accepted. Who will be the first who will accept this system? You need the big corporations for that. Well... that does make sense for those with a narrow point of view. However, those with little or no money will be the first who will accept this system. So it starts with the bottom, not the top. Slowly it will build up to the top.
If you are still not convinced, think about this. Those with little or no money have no need for what the big corps offer. They're not into luxury and as such don't need much money. Food and shelter is all they require. The more people from the bottom accept this, the more higher ones will be forced to use it as well. They supply what the big corps need. Once you reach a point where money is no longer accepted, you'll be required to either go without or accept that other system.

However, i am aware that i'm not able to create a working system in the real world. There needs to be a lot of work done, before we can throw this into the world. But... this system is completely non-profit. No loans. No created of money.

Originally Posted by "Aug 27th 2012
I keep getting back to this whole idea. There is no valid reason not to do this. No valid reason to stop this idea from becoming real. There are only excuses. The only reason there is for not making it real YET is that it not only needs to be realized as a working plan, but that it also needs the proper tools developed.
The excuses "we" use for not allowing this to become real is money. Not money as a value or as a means to provide for ourselves. Would this have been the case, then we wouldn't have had this problem in the first place. I'm talking about power, control and suppression. We have come far enough to be able to do without. Despite this fact, we are still hooked on the past. More and more people are seeing that this is not the way we want it, but are convinced that we have no other choice. This comes from all those countries where there is a democracy. Where does this idea come from if it IS a democracy? Democracy is just a way of faking the control in the hands of the people. Who is really in control? The one with all the money. 1% of all people in the world have 80% of all the money in the world. Now what do those people have... despite money. The power.

Yesterday i watched a documentary about the healthcare in the USA. The guy went to Cuba and what happened there convinced me even more that this idea is not some dreamer's dream. There healthcare is about health. Whereas everywhere else it's about profit. One woman needed 2 inhalers a month @ $120 each. In Cuba she had to pay $0.05. Now isn't that a bit of a weird difference? Another woman needed 9 different medicines and after checkup it was cut down to 5. Difference in all this is care vs profit.

If you look at how almost the entire world works, then you might even wonder how we are all allowing it to be this way. Instead of helping or giving support, people are being kept a victim... NOT gotten out. The more money that can be made and the easier it can be made, the more you'll be kept right where you are. In healthcare it's even more so. You're being given enough to get you out the biggest issues. If they can keep you sick, but not so sick you will die, they will given you the right medicine. As someone said on TV a long time ago, "You'll get pill 1 to get rid of the rash. Pill 1 has a nasty side effect and you get to take pill 2 for that. Pill 2 has a side-effect too and for that you get pill 3. The combination of pill 1 and 3 could possible give you a headache. To make sure it doesn't happen, you get pill 4 and so on and so on. You end up taking 12 pills who cost $50 a bottle or more, which you have to take 3 times a day for just a rash."

How can we honestly say that we care about our people if you don't even care for them. Why aren't we taking care of them, because we don't want to lose power. Power is money. Power is control. Power is submission. What gives us this power. Money does. What allows us to remain docile. Money does. Who keeps us there, we do. Why do we keep us there, because we don't want to lose our money.
Now if you think about it, money is almost as ancient as the first tools. The only difference is, we refined all other tools. Not money though. We changed money. It used to be a tool of trade, to make it easier to buy stuff. Give one gold coin to buy a horse, instead of having to give 30 chickens. That was the reason why money was created. Even today, money has no value. Yet we give it a value anyway. Money has lost its original purpose and transformed it into a tool of power. It has taken us away from the things we need. It has become a replacement drug and the most legal of all. Having money makes us want more money. Get too hooked on it and you'll never get enough. You NEED more and more. That's what we make us believe ourselves. We have forgotten our needs and money makes us project our focus outward. We forget what we really need. We forget what we want. We forget our desires. And the most important thing of all, we forget who we are. The moment when the first person forgot who he was, was the instant our world went into a downward spiral. Money has made the world to what it is today. How many people just do NOT like the world it is now? Yet how many people can honestly say that they don't want money anymore?
I don't want money. It didn't really hit me how much i've distanced myself from it, until last week. I took out 500 dollars from the atm and held it in my hand. Before i went to the atm, i was afraid someone might mug me and take away my money. As soon as i took the money out and held it in my hand i noticed a difference in the feeling. I know i need it to buy my tickets. I know i need it to support myself in regards of food/water/clothes. But that's just it. It didn't feel like it was important or valuable at all.

Originally Posted by Sept 6th 2012
Dear World,

This is an open letter to which ever part of you is willing to listen. It is unknown how many parts of you are fed up, too tired or even willing to change. How long have you been in puberty? I see how much you've learned and how much you've had to endure. There have been times, when it actually seemed to be the end. Yet you got up and continued, but... It seems like you are now aimless and clueless. You know you're not healthy, but try to keep on doing what you do, despite more and more objection and reaction. Small parts have already seperated themselves from you. Isn't it time for change?

Your technology has come so far and brought us so much. However, instead of bringing prosperity and longevity, it has given you greed, war and what's the worst... Individuals. The true community has died. All your cells that have the "western world" touch, no longer have any idea what needs are. They think and BELIEVE that their wants are their needs. They search for fullfillment in the material world. They get more and then want more. It will never be enough, because that is not what they desire. They "connect" with so many people, because they do not want to be alone. They call themselves social, yet they don't even know their neighbours. They don't have time to watch the neighbour's house, because work and money is more important. Maybe they would if they got payed.

They talk about having a heart, yet they don't care about the homeless. The more they have, the smaller their heart is. The more they have, the less they give. The ones who have the least, give the most. Shouldn't every single cell deserve the same treatment and attention? Shouldn't every cell have a heart of the same size? Doesn't every cell deserve to be shaken up, so they can wake up? So they can see what it is they desire? What it is they need? Isn't healthier much better than being saturated with all the stuff that kills you? Isn't it time to finally start to work as one entire organ? Isn't it time to step into the young adult stage?

It's time to get back into shape. To cast out the unhealthy habits. Quantity, property, loneliness, heartless, careless, depression and what not. It's not going to be easy, since even the governments are acting like kids. Those are the ones in charge. It has to start somewhere. Someone has to start to be different. Remember the saying, "all change begins with yourself"? Time to live this example. It is time to let every cell enjoy its life. Work to live, not live to work. Find a way to give every cell a chance to do what it wants. To get every cell to support its self by doing its hobby. To get every cell its purpose back. To no longer cast out cells because they choose to be different.

Lets not forget your health either. You're supposed last a couple of millenia more. That is not going to happen if you let this continue. Products being created to be consumed, instead of being created to last. Fossil fuels won't just eventually run out, they are also very inefficient and also polute. Use your cells to research better and cleaner alternatives. Focus on a goal OTHER than profit. Don't forget about the forests/jungles. Unless you plan on killing about 80% of your cells, they will eventually die themselves. Overpopulation is another one. You may think that researching and creating more resistant crops will be the answer, but you are just hoping. They will either have side-effects on the long term or they will weed out the original crops and/or other plants. You know you can only support so much cells. Ignoring it will only postpone the inevitable. You must have already noticed that diseases are becoming more difficult to treat and i doubt i will have to explain you why.

There is a minority of cells that is aware of the current problems. A lot of other cells call them "crazy", "troublemakers" or "delusional". Some are even called criminals. How can you call a cell a criminal if its only trying to wake cells/the world up. To try and get a little healthier. It is no longer a "that's over there" problem. To specify these "problems" as such would be very narrowminded and ignorant. Everything effects everything. You no longer have only little problems. You are sick, obese, lazy and spoiled. You can ignore the cells who are aware, but it will come at a price. This price gets higher and higher the longer you wait. It is time to act now. If you want to return to your healthy self again. Even if you started in 2000, you wouldn't even be back in shape in 2100. This takes time. Healing takes much longer than creating a cut.

One more thing. Technology has caught up with pretty much every invention made before the middle ages. If not caught up, it has been improved. Yet money is the only exception. It hasn't been caught up. It has not even been improved. It's even less useful than it ever was. You won't like it, but money is long past obsolete. You grasp onto it as if it's the air you breath. Wake up. Technology has surpassed the use of money.


A concerned cell
All my life i thought my life was a dream.
Now i'm asleep and living it.
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