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Old 06-09-2012, 12:40 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
Posts: 2,730
Ah, but that would be giving it away and he explains that in the first chapter, so I will leave that to him. Jane's introduction is quite long, but interesting, but if you prefer you can skip it and go back and read it later. If you go onto Amazon, and pull up the Quick Look feature of the book, you can read the first chaper for free! and decide if it calls to you. I found it fascinating and freaky in about the same quantity, and I don't know if I was compelled to read it, but found I kept picking it back up and continuing on. He has a way with words...but it is very esoteric, once he gets going, and I found what I didn't understand I just read and sort of ignored, because at some point it did become compelling and I couldn't put it down (but for me that took a bit of doing). I think this book, you read at your own pace, because there is so much information that is technical about reality and how it really works and science was not my forte in school, and a lot of it went over my head, but that didn't seem to matter and for some reason, it didn't bother me...I just kept going. Of course, this is the book that jumped off the shelf at me in the bookstore :).

I will say that as I read this book, in certain places, I could feel sensations in my brain shifting. I honestly, really believe that these were the baby stages of opening myself up to channeling. This book is written in layers of communication that we can't understand with the physical, so it is a "trip" all the way around.

I think you will enjoy it. I know it changed my life.

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