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Old 28-08-2012, 02:34 AM
Lightspirit Lightspirit is offline
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Where do I start? I wish we could heal the minds of rationalists that feel the need to dismiss faith healing all as non miraculous, because it is real and very real. God is the spurge of it, I believe those who have the gift tap into that.

I was 20 years old a few months after brain surgery all the drains that let fluid drain out of my head blocked up with something so my head swelled up and an opening in my skull where they operated allowed the fluid to escape and sorta swelled my head up.

For my troubles I got a shunt put in which was not nice at all.

For the first time in my life as a Christian guy I really got mad at God and told him about it big time. The shunt idea may have been apermanent solution.

That shunt began malfunctioning and I vomited for about 2 weeks straight. It was horrible I could not eat.

Eventually it was time for the bad shunt to be replaced with a new one.

An operation was booked by a neurosurgeon for me.

A pastor friend with the gift of healing via the holy spirit put oil on my head and prayed for me the day before.

That operation was cancelled the next day by a couple of puzzled but happy neurosurgeons.

Guys I saw healed in front of me at church by a Christian faith healer also bear testament to this also.

It will work but requires faith by the people involved.
When it's raining look for rainbows and when it's dark look for stars.
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