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Old 27-08-2012, 04:56 AM
alamode alamode is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 745
I'd love to experience and/or learn Reiki. I have not done that yet though.

I've had several experiences with Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) which uses Applied Kinesiology (also known as Muscle Testing) to pinpoint the health issues. The basic concept is that you had a prior experience, from earlier in your life (and in can also be from a past life), and this is the "original emotion" that becomes "stuck" in your body and it affects a certain part of your body (or organ within your body).

When you later encounter a similar situation in life that is so similar that it triggers this same emotion that you experienced at the time of the originating emotion, this causes a health issue. It can be something that you don't notice at all, or it can be something very noticeable such as a certain pain that you have.

For example, there is a youtube video where I saw this health issue manifested in a man who could not turn is head all the way around. His neck would jam up. After the NET session, he could now turn his head all the way around.

for my daughter, her health issue was chronic eczema. After her NET session, her eczema vanished mostly all that night and her eczema completely 100% vanished by the next day.

For my personal experience, I had chronic pain in a tense spot on my back. After the NET session, the pain was noticeably gone, and my back tension loosened and muscles became loose.

Another thing that I cured myself was my chronic acne and oily skin which I had every day of my life since I was a pre-teen. Every single day of my life, I would get at least one new pimple that appeared on my face. I would be lucky if I went more than one day without a new pimple appearing.

I cured it 100% through a long process which involved removing my mercury amalgams through a holistic dentist, then doing colon and parasite cleansing, and then a series of liver/gallbaldder flushes using Dr. Hulda Clark's recipe. The morning after my 8th flush, my oily skin completely vanished. I now had completely dry, oil-free skin, and I never had any acne again. I think after about 2 years, my skin started getting its oil back. Also after those 2 years, maybe I would get one small pimple about once per year on my face.
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