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Old 26-08-2012, 09:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Well my first formal experiences were in the Spiritualist church I attended.
We had a hands on healing session every Sunday after messages were shared.

The minister pretty much prepared the setup,
chairs aligned so healers wouldn't interfere with one another
the area blessed

we each cleared-blessed our area.. calling on angels, whomever we wished...
and did whatever we were led to do, though an initial protocol was typical..

clear- work on standing subject
then have them sit for additional energy work, including feet

I was guided to clear-energize their chakras while standing, though this was never taught

I never asked the subject what was needed-wanted and just trusted spirit to guide us what to do for their best interest.

Occasionally healers shared a relevant message with subject if led to

More recently, I've sent "healing"/prayer frequently after meditating, especially when outside, and well connected to earth. Usually to folks I knew and was led to pray for...
But occasionally I'd just ask where love, peace was needed.

Frankly I felt emotional-spiritual healing was my thing, rather than primarily physical healing itself, and never looked back. to see what results occurred

I'm sure many here have stories to share. Anyone who does any amount of this will be shown new "techniques" as they grow in understanding.

The only advice I can offer. is stay centered in your heart,when doing this, and learn to trust the process-your instinct.

I can't really say healing is my "path", yet circumstances have suggested it's integral to who I am, at some level.

I must say some of the most blissful moments were-are while channeling "healing", when I totally forget myself.
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