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Old 12-08-2012, 05:24 PM
shadedragon shadedragon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posts: 1,604
:) what intentions we place behind it affect the outcome. I do not think when writing or designing the button, I allow it to flow thru me. Sometimes I do make one for a specific purpose, or give it a general topic to cover such as bringing light out. If I wanted to, I could draw a random circle and it would be random, sometimes so random that I don't desire to make random buttons anymore without words or a design so I know what it is or have an idea prior to pressing the button.
You don't have to draw it either, you can mentally draw it as well and it will work the same :)
all things in our reality are there because they are a reflection of us, as for the time in thiers, we are a reflection of them.
the moment you try to find self is the begning of a journey to discover it doesn't exist

Project Spirit has set up a energy channel for anyone who needs it. We have it touch down in each country, and net outwards in them. You can access energy from this channel simply by intending to tap into it. Pm me if you'd like more info.
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