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Old 05-11-2010, 12:19 AM
Racer X
Posts: n/a
You have a mass of energy which is not being used for exercise!

It is in the anxiety itself. That is the one place you did not think to look. It is like "lost keys", they are not lost... just in the one place overlooked.

So how do you transform this energy?

Well, you don't does that itself. You do have to initiate the transformation of dark energy into moving energetic energy though.


Sit with it in solitude and silence.
Look at it....
Let whatever emotions and thoughts rise naturally.
Look at them without IDENTIFYING ......."I AM SAD" or "I AM ANXIOUS"
Change those thoughts to "I see a sad feeling, I am ok with it but I am not the feeling itself."
Allow the feeling to exist as you simply look at it.

Pause and reflect:
Do you wish to hold on to this feeling or let it go?
Hold on and it will forever repeat.
Let it go and it begins to weaken........
It may rise several more times until completely released.

When you feel filled with energy and feel like exercising again, the energy has been raised/transmuted!

Work with this until you master it.....
That is Self-Mastery and it will open you to greater and greater gifts/experiences. It really is easy once you get past the resistance which will surface. The resistance is a primal fear of the unknown. You have identified with the anxiety and thus believe yourself to be it. Un-believe it and you will have a dream of setting yourself free from jail! Then freedom will follow in the waking world.
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