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Old 29-07-2012, 05:46 AM
Topaz Topaz is offline
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The truth about Black Tourmaline please read .

Schorl is a beautiful crystal that has a very dense, heavy and grounding energy. *The colour is black, and like most black crystals it can absorb negative and static energies, which is why it is suitable to use near electrical appliances and computers with the intent to minimise their negative emanations. *It is probably the most fitting crystal for this purpose, especially since it is also very hardy and does not get damaged as easily as other crystals.

In regard to healing and energy work, Schorl can be helpful if someone needs heavy-duty grounding. *It is extremely potent and therefore not appropriate for those whose energy field is in a fragile state. *Since it also absorbs negativity, one would position it beneath the feet and only on someone who can handle such an intense energy. *Under certain circumstances one could place it (briefly) slightly below the base chakra in order to draw out stuck negativity, but one would then need to replace it with another crystal to complete the healing process. *The energies of Schorl are too dense to place around the whole of the energy field or on any of the other major chakras.

Wearing a Schorl pendant can assist one to be more grounded and subsequently more focussed, provided it is tuned for that purpose. *Please note that it does not shield against negative energies, since it is absorbent and therefore more likely to draw these in. *Crystals with a much higher vibration (such as Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise and similar ones) are more appropriate to strengthen one’s energy field and shield it from unwanted energies. *What this topic is concerned, it may be useful to point out that if we are affected by negative emotions and thoughts from others, and we carry similar qualities in our own make up; it is very difficult to keep these at a distance. *To explain this in more detail the following:

If someone projects hateful feelings and thoughts towards me or is jealous of me, and if I tend to be hateful or jealous at times, these nasty energies can obviously come in quite easily since like attracts like. *Schorl would actually help to invite such negativity into one’s personal space, whereas crystals with a high vibration could help to keep it somewhat at bay. I f a client needs a protective energy around him/her, I would (amongst other) place him/her in an oval of appropriate crystals that carry a high vibration and then use grounding crystals at the feet to help anchor the whole field.

What negativity or strife in the home is concerned, crystals such as Rose Quartz can be tuned for harmony, it being a key quality that this crystal represents. *Family issues may, however, still come up and obviously need to be dealt with! In a practice, where much emotion is released, one could place a piece of Rose Quartz to assist in creating a nurturing and harmonious space and a piece of Amethyst that could be tuned to help absorb the unhelpful emanations. *Schorl would not really be appropriate for that purpose, since it is too heavy and, as mentioned before, more suitable for reducing geopathic stress.

I have a piece of Schorl near my computer and rarely use it for anything else. *Those who focus on Planetary healing often use this crystal but that is another story. *Schorl is fairly easy to come by and the smaller pieces are not overly expensive. Good luck with this crystal and if you have any questions about it please feel free to ask…

Taken from the VHF blog .
Love is an Energy not an Emotion . .

Every situation is an opportunity for healing, learning, growth and transformation.
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