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Old 24-07-2012, 01:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by she who plays
That's very grusome!

So I'm interested what you take from that, going forward. How does it influence who you are now? I assume you'd rather not loose your current head...

Well, I've actually been murdered quite a few times in my past lives. Though to my knowledge, that life was probably the worst as far as torture goes, since the sentence also included being drawn and quartered till near death, then castrated and disemboweled, and then the beheading and body chopping up. But I think I've been burned at the stake at least twice as well.

As for influencing who I am now, that sort of stuff doesn't really phase me all that much. I'm very much aware that the soul still lives on, regardless of how the body dies. I've been doing this for so long, that each life is more or less just one chapter of a much larger book. So I just try to do the best I can, and help out as much as I can (even if it kills me, literally and/or figuratively), each time I come back.

Iz my yob -shruggs- But. . . a, I am getting very tired and looking forward to retirement.
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