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Old 23-07-2012, 01:05 PM
she who plays
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Trieah
Though it wasn't entirely an accurate movie. Technically, the Scots consider Robert the Bruce (Robert I) to be the one with the nickname of "Brave heart". Since just before his death, King Robert I had ordered that his heart be removed from his body and carried around in a jar in further battles, or something like that, as a symbol that the King was still fighting for the freedom of their country.

Wallace just got his arm and legs chopped off and sent out to various parts of Scotland as a warning to not commit "treason" against a King who claimed himself ruler over a country not his own. Oh yeah, and Wallace's head was stuck on a pike and put on display at London Tower. Isn't history neat

That's very grusome!

So I'm interested what you take from that, going forward. How does it influence who you are now? I assume you'd rather not loose your current head...
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