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Old 03-11-2010, 05:41 AM
sunny shine
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by pre-dawn
The answers make sense in some way. However, Reiki is seen as a holistic practice and thus we should see healing in the most holistic sense. That is why I carefully referred to "in terms of healing, at a true level".

Looking at it from that all-encompassing perspective I just cannot see how being ill or dis-eased would be of any benefit to anyone, least of all the person who is ill. Being healed at that level would naturally include healing at any other level where healing is desirable.

In my mind, at the level of ultimate healing, the good for the individual is the good for all, healing the individual is healing the world and the universe.

As this is the aim of Reiki from the outset I see no reason to add 'for the highest good' at any time. It is inherent in the practice and if we don't aim for that are we really doing Reiki?

I know its quite difficult to understand, it happened with me no amount of medicines or healing helped,because i needed that rest, that stay in home, that situation to get into myself more deeply and evolved quite a bit which is impossible if my everyday routine continued.
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