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Old 08-07-2012, 04:09 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Morpheus
I don't know that the technology will be implemented before the "Rapture", globally.
But, everything is certainly in place regarding these things.

QUESTION: How can we be so sure that all of this Stuff will actually happen, when the Book of Revelation itself is in serious question?

The Book of Revelation is said to be written by the apostle John.. and many believe this without question. But any Bible scholar will tell us that the book was possibly written by a man named John, but unsure of who this John really was. Scholars are even unsure of the fact that the actual author was named John at all, and suspect that Revelation was written by an unknown author who simply put Saint John's name to it... But the truth is, no one knows for sure who the author is; yet most believe that it was John the apostle because tradition says that he wrote the book... But again I stress the fact; no one truly knows who the author was.

And because of the shadow of doubt on the Book of Revelation, it almost did not make the canon of scripture... it really did make it in by the skin of its teeth. And besides all of this, scholars have differing views on how the book should even be interpreted... The whole rapture, literal mark of the beast etc is only one interpretation that has been badly bloated out of context by those with fundamentalists beliefs... Other scholars who are just as Christian as the next guy seriously debate and even present strong evidenced against this interpretation of Revelation.

So again I ask, is it wise to put so much heavy stock in a book that is in serious doubt by probably 97% of the scholarly community and has more interpretations than there are Christian denominations? It seems to me to be an awful dismal lens to view the world through, always waiting for end time events, the Anti- Christ, demonic happenings etc, all based on a book that has many question marks hanging over it. If God inspired the book and it was "God's Word," would we not have more solid evidence to prove this? But we do not, we have a book that all real and honest evidence shows was not written by Saint John at all... So in all probability, the end time events married into the images of the book will probably never come to pass in the way many have believed they will....

And that is not some Hollywood Matrix deception.... That is academic reality and historical facts. But I suppose we all must do with those facts as we will.
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