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Old 08-07-2012, 01:56 PM
Posts: n/a
I like what an earlier poster posted about the mark of the beast. Specifically that the prophecy says that there will come a time when no one can buy or sell without a mark in their right hand or forehead. Obviously, this has not happened at any point in the past, and it's not happening now, but it is coming.

There are night clubs in Europe where V.I.P guests can pay to have a micro-chip implanted in their arm, which they use in lieu of cash. They scan the chip and they pay for their drinks, admission, etc. When they are entering the nightclub, and they are paying for their admission, their ID and details come up on the screen.

This is where money is evolving towards. Cash is slowly being phased out. That chip will most likely have your passport on it, your drivers license on it, medical records (which is already being done in the U.S), and other forms of ID, but most importantly, it is what will be used to BUY and to SELL. Without it, you won't be able to do both.

If that times comes, and it looks like it is coming fast, then the end indeed is approaching.

How will we live if we don't take it? Where will we get our food from, our clothes, our water, etc? You won't be able to continue at your job, you won't be able to put money aside for the kids college funds, etc. Christians and all spiritual people need to be preparing for a time when they will no longer be able to use money. A time when the only way they will be able to live is to be living by faith in God. That time starts now, and if we aren't getting ready now, we'll probably find an excuse or two to rationalize away this coming form of monetary transaction, and end up taking it.

Jesus gave some good advice for any who wish to start living by faith in God and not in mammon (money and all it can buy). Matthew 6:24-34
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