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Old 22-06-2012, 09:10 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by trappedinabody
i didnt claim to be exempt, i simply said i do not understand their comments on the video, nor the content of the video at that.
i dont see how myself whole heartily disagreeing with these actions in any case would make me the same?
unless theres some other point you are trying to make that i am not getting??

I don't want to come off as sounding mean or anything; but this is what I was saying to Morph above... we get all these big claims of end times and science proving prophecy right; yet when we ask for proof of these claims, we get links to spurious sources, jumbled information and Bible verses that really don't prove anything at all.

It is like I mentioned above; it is all fragmented information that is pieced together to make what one believes sound logical and true... but when the objective outsider looks at it and tries to make the claimed connection, it makes no sense or just seems disjointed.

And yet these guys will not even comment or look at any actual evidence that you share with them that makes sense and is scientifically or historically correct.... They just bypass it all and continue living in the bubble and blame what they can't explain away on the devil; and then load you up with scripture to prove that they are correct.

Go figure.....
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