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Old 22-06-2012, 08:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Fantastic Lucid Dream!

This is a long one I'm afraid but I wanted to try and remember every detail!

Just thought I would share a great moment that I haven't long woken up from. I did have a brief moment of lucidity a few nights ago but last night/this morning beats it hands down. The dream "started" behind a smooth brick wall, and as I peered over it I saw everything so vividly, like looking at a High Definition screen. Instantly I knew I was dreaming, and I got really excited. I saw a figure on a path ahead over this wall, so I leapt over it with this giant sweeping leap (almost flying) and landed next to him. He smiled and looked familiar, I asked him if he was a dream character and if he knew me, he said yes, although I can't remember what we talked about. We walked a short distance and he pointed to a couple of things in the distance; buildings which looked really familiar and gave me the impression that I had either PUT THEM THERE myself, or dreamt about them before. Two identical red brick castle looking buildings and a white domed building which looks like this memorial back home. Another thing that looked possibly like a graveyard or something, a little bit eerier but nothing sinister.

I found myself leaping up again. Not sure if I was completely flying at this point (I'll explain why in a second.) but I swept down and passed through the back window of a taxi cab. I landed in the back seat and there were three guys in the taxi. The driver was friendly, kind of happy to see me and said he'd drop me off at my old workplace. For some reason, I told him he could just pull over and let me out, despite the fact I'd only just landed in the car! He took me all the way though. I remember at this point I was about to make a comment about it being nice in my dream world that the universe revolves around me- but I stopped myself short because I realised it sounded offensive.

I entered this bar I used to work in (nothing unusual here, I often dream about this place and in true dream fashion it's never structurally the same!) and started looking round at the women. Yes, as shallow as it may seem, I figured I'm dreaming I might as well try and have sex. I realised I was looking around for someone that I knew, but none of the dream characters were in any way familiar. The women were all really abnormally tall, a few smiled at me. As I woke I considered they may have been so tall to represent the importance I place on them, but I'm not a psychologist. I went into the other room and there were some normal sized girls in there, laughing and talking. They didn't seem to notice me, I approached one that I liked and asked her if she wanted to walk with me down the street for coffee. She said no! (thought it would be easier in the dream world than that!) But she was polite about it. Once again I seemed to just pass through the window and left.

It was this point that the dream felt particularly good. I thought "why am I walking, I'm dreaming, let's fly!" so I rose up off the ground and flew. I looked around and saw other people flying too, a few young kids looking up to no good! so I flew around and came across the only person I'd met so far who was in my real life, this guy Carl I lived with for a year. I was excited to see him and made a POINT of asking him "are you dreaming, and here too, or are you just in MY dream?" He said he was dreaming too, and I told him I'd ask him when we were awake. I wiggled my fingers infront of his face in a silly light hearted kind of hypnotist way and said something like "Carl, remember you're dreaming!" in an attempt to make him remember for when we woke up.

We walked along with a third person that I didn't see, he was with Carl when I met him. There were buildings in the distance that looked like apartment blocks. I should note at this point it's been gloriously sunny the whole time. A strange moment here when I had a blur in my vision- imagine looking at your screen now about six inches in from the left there was a vertical stripe of blurring running down the monitor from top to bottom, that's what it was like. No idea what it was about but it soon cleared and we entered this OUTSTANDING field. I was in awe at it, there were lots of long reeds and weeds but it was still stunning and smelled like cut grass. Carl says "hey, there's the oak tree I planted" and I look over to a young tree with a small barrier round it.

At this point, the dream turns a little. I get a sense of how the beautiful the earth is and how we're ruining it, and I don't just think in an ecological way. I start to cry a little and the sky at this point turns grey. I wake up, but actually to another dream because I'm in a different building. I think this might be a glimpse of the future because it looks like the one my girlfriend and I will be moving to. Then I awake for real! Despite the sombre mood at the end, I really enjoyed it and it was fantastic to finally have a prolonged lucid experience.

Hope you managed to stick with me through all of that! Thanks for reading. Any comments welcome.
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