Thread: Number 22?
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Old 10-06-2012, 08:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Deusdrum
I have been seeing numbers like that for awhile, to me they all have a different feel to them, but all are i believe a type of synchronicity, and yes it does make sense, i think it is the Universe beckoning, to get your attention. If you are not familiar with synchronicity, it is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung who called it "an acausal connecting principle." James Redfield also uses it in his books quite frequently, author of 'Celestine Prophecy' etc. and calls them 'meaningful coincidences' and they guide us along our path.

Numbers appearing in this way, when you just "happen" to look up and see the number everywhere is suggestive of greater parts of your mind at work i think, why is it that unintentionally we look up just at the very moment a license plate with a 222 on it drives past our field of vision? It seems like an unconscious part of our mind that does it almost. I think it also allows us to understand the interconnection between things in life, and hints at a higher intelligence hidden behind the scenes as it were.

The thing is, even though I may know the universe wants to get my attention, I don't know what should I be paying attention at, which makes things a bit difficult. How can I find out?
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