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Old 04-06-2012, 06:49 AM
Posts: n/a
I'd heard several examples of Autistic children with extraordinary psychic-healing abilities
but can't locate the sources right now...

Though "Grandma Chandra" is fairly well known as an interdimensional teacher-healer
though medically is in a near vegetative state,(according to her mothers words, in a video) intellectually and physically.
I don't know exactly how medicine categorizes her disability)
She communicates telepathically through her interpreter-Mother and a few others.

Just read that Autism affects males 4-6x over females,
Autism in far more common today than in the past (1 in 91 births) by one source
60% are left handed
Many are extremely sensitive to sound or touch
"(2) Abnormal responses to sensations. Any one or a combination of senses or responses are affected: sight, hearing, touch, balance, smell, taste, reaction to pain, and the way a child holds his or her body."

Autistic Savants are another well known phenomena, though also rare.
Individuals with extraordinary yet narrowly defined high functioning in mathmatics ,music and visual art being predominant.

I feel many who come to earth these days are overwhelmed by the human experience, and withdraw
in defense (yet I suspect many are psychic and highly evolved spiritually)

Heard just recently of a 4-5 yr old Autistic girl who was actually a very gifted spiritual worker...
Her mother had no idea but a famous healer-psychic recognized her gifts and the spiritual work she was intuitively doing.

I'm very interested in spiritually gifted kids ... and this aspect of Autism is just recently being recognized.

There's a woman who works with autistic kids to help parents learn to communicate with them telepathically.
but I don't recall her info.
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