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Old 02-06-2012, 06:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by gypsymystique
Okay, is there room in there for quantum entanglement or quantum pairing? Some suggest that this twin flame concept is related to those theories.

Okay, NOW I'm fascinated...

I will say that I believe there is, but at the same time I also think that 99+% of the twin flame stuff I see on this forum is just rather at more of an emotionally "needy" thingy. This may be ok I think, if the person is able to satisfy those emotional things and then move on, but if they think having a certain look or body or person or thing will make them happy forever, I just don't see that as being possible. While it may be justified as a learning tool, I think that furthering our minds and understandings of things is the wave of desire that everyone seeks and as well (I think) should.
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