Thread: zombies?
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Old 30-05-2012, 04:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by contentest
This is what happens when you deny people's right to commune with the earth through the natural holy plants that have evolved alongside us for hundreds of thousands of years: people eat legal, lab-conconted chemicals and then each other.

Or possibly it was an actual zombie attack that is being covered up by the government, and in fact Miami has been nuked off the map already. Anyone you hear supposedly reporting from there is a government plant, and your friends and family in the area have been replaced by actors. The only way to know for sure this is not the case is to personally go there... and who wants to go to a radioactive, zombie-infested nuclear blast site?

Or possibly, just possibly, that's not it at all.

What's really interesting is, okay fine, so you're having a severe psychotic episode and you're gonna do something off the charts crazy. The possibilities must be endless, so why did he end up specifically eating face among these infinite options? Is it that the zombie genre is all the rage right now and therefore at the top of the pile of subconscious ideas? Or maybe it's the other way around, that we all immediately think zombie attack because it's at the top of our subconscious, when in fact what really happened was the guy switched consciousness with a bear, and this was a bear attack.

And right now, somewhere in the depths of Canadia, a man trapped in a bear's body is running around in the woods wondering what the hell is going on. Or more likely he freaked out in the bear cave and thought he was going to be eaten, started attacking the other bears to protect himself and then got killed in self-defense.

What a sad, albeit symmetric idea. But in every one of these scenarios it still reminds us of two things, don't change your consciousness too rashly, and always remain calm and centered before you act.

Your ideas scared me for a minute there :) Yes I think people are now either secretly or admittedly wanting an infestation so they will try to make everything lead to that --- who knows by thinking this way it might actually happen --- if collective consciousness is indeed real.
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