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Old 23-05-2012, 11:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by daisy
most healers are not qualified to diagnose.

Entirely agree. It's likely a rare ability, at this time.
However even doctors have likely called on a medical intuitive for another resource.

Originally Posted by Arfie
That part of going from therapy to therapy is the part I feel was destructive to me. Instead I found myself with a head full of incompatable practices, theories and theologies.

I finally just picked one and resigned myself to the hard work of putting it into play.

This is what motivated this thread.
I've heard this frequently from healers,,, those who became healers after finally finding one satisfactory solution for an issue, after trying many varied modalities.

Aside from physical issues.
I have no doubt that many emotional, mental issues could benefit from an exceptionally gifted psychic diagnosis.

This may be a common, future solution that some of the extraordinarily gifted children may bring to us. Those who can perceive underlying causes traditional therapists cannot recognize.

Even a simpler issue... like "what meditation practice is best for me"
I suspect could benefit from inspired guidance.

Not exactly looking for a magic pill, but I suspect there are better ways on the horizon.
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