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Old 23-05-2012, 02:58 AM
shadedragon shadedragon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posts: 1,604
Yay :) more dragon people -I get excited about this stuff -but then again, most dragon people here know that already Trieah that is so fun! We live on a lake with water dragons, and sometimes they come up out of the water... they are so pretty... drifting off we get to play with my guardian and my sister's guardian dragons' children -my current one doesn't have any.. but we go over my cousins house and they are Everywhere, little, big, in the middle, they live near woods with a waterfall, so it attracts a lot of everything :) I even caught a few pictures with my camera once, but they somehow got deleted when I tried to put them on our computer.. Dragons are so precious and beautiful :)
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