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Old 21-05-2012, 11:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteWolfSpirit
If they cause me to sink back into the depression, and the endless messaging that I sometimes engaged in, of the last two years, then yes, I would say I would be going backwards. When you combine my natural missing of her presence, with these unbelievably powerful emotions I feel from her... the urge to reach out to her is almost impossible to resist.

I've said this before too, and to some it sounds selfish or something, but it's really not. I *am* moving forward, and doing so much better... and I *want* her to see it. Not because I think it will attract her back to me... but because I want her to feel good about it. She felt terrible guilt over leaving, and she felt even worse guilt about the state I'd fallen in to. It would make her soul smile to know how far I've come.

Mammoth thread is right, and it's been all over the place, hehe. I do know that this journey is changing me, that I am evolving. And you're right... I can't see what you say. If I never see her again, I will be very disappointed. Disappointed not just for me, but for the world. I know that sounds really conceited... but I can see so clearly, the work we would do, and I can see the love we would spread together. I can do a lot on my own, but I cannot replicate the power that is around us, when we are together. There's a reason, after all, that TFs come together, for their mission. They CANNOT do it on their own, not completely.

Keep this vision WWS - you are not being asked to forget it or let it go - you are being asked to learn patience & trust that WHEN you are both ready and can offer more together than apart then you will be reunited - but to be ready you both must be fully awakened to all that you are apart - then when you reunite it will be not be for need of each other - it will be in joy of being in Oneness for the greater purpose :)
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