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Old 21-05-2012, 12:47 AM
Posts: n/a
It was me who said it because you ARE making progress :) all this is part of it - contract and expand wider than you were - even the pain allows growth as does doubts and fears - it brings them to light and helps us to will be an evolving process no end as such - look positively at it - whatever the reason for your latest emotions - it IS movement - it is movement of energy - if it's yours from the being you knkw or in another dimension or if its hers it doesn't matter - the Universe is listening and responding - you are creating movement of energy - if it remained the same wouldn't that cause you to doubt more?

Because you are experiencing emotions provoking thought do you think you are going backwards? Have no fear my friend you are stepping forth xxx

Originally Posted by WhiteWolfSpirit
I am trying to, I really am. I've made so much progress, from where I was. I feel comfortable with where my life is going these next few years, like I've never been, in my entire 37 years of life. I'm pretty sure it was even you, who said that I was doing great, going out and doing the work my TF and I were meant to do together, on my own. I'm doing that, and I still am.

I would like to think there's hope for us. I am certain, beyond all doubt, of the great things we could do together. I'm also certain, beyond a doubt, that if we truly unite, neither of us would ever look back. I've looked back at our first time together... and it's true, I wasn't ready for her, even though I was ready to try anyway. I know some of you say I'm still not ready, and when I'm in a phase like this moment, it might be true. But I really do feel like I'm ready for her, and I appreciate her on a level I never did before, as much as I loved her. I get everything about her now, accept it all, love every bit of it.

Again, if I hadn't suddenly started getting overrun by these emotional surges, and the dreams, I'm pretty sure I'd still be in the place of peace I was at not long ago. There HAS to be some reason all of this is suddenly coming at me though, isn't there? If it's just another test, it's a cruel one, and I'm not afraid to say that. Cruelty has no place in love of this level. So, it must be something else. But what?
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