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Old 20-05-2012, 09:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Well I hear so many stories of folks who go from tharapy to tharapy looking for a solution. Or try varied healing modalities is search of a cure.

There MUST be a better way to find what's right for one , without so much trial & error, expense & suffering.

Yes, sometimes ,illness is a motivation to search, and leads folks to become healers.therapists, counselors. The search is an education.

But many suffer needlessly when the appropriate solution to mental, physical issues only is found by trial & error.
Even medical issues often resist conventional diagnosis.

The healer I mention often points out the true source of someones "medical" problem, that was incorrectly diagnosed-treated.

Spiritual diagnosis can perceive things conventional diagnosis misses.
Edgar Cayce demonstrated this countless times.

I'm certain some folks do this, yet we have much to learn, and new spiritual resources-understanding ARE emerging.

I'd heard of a portable medical scanner recently developed that can scan a persons body, much like the Star Trek device... but I don't know exactly what info it detects, as it's likely superficial, rather than truly diagnostic. Dunno.

Last edited by Henri77 : 20-05-2012 at 10:25 PM.
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