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Old 19-05-2012, 09:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Healing diagnostic -reading?

I notice whenever someone has a healing-energy issue of some sort, or any spiritual "problem"
they get a variety of diff suggestions-guesses based on what folks know-have encountered.
Same for suggestions regarding meditation practices.

It occures to me. wouldn't it be lovely if someone came up with a diagnostic procedure .... like the diagnostic machines that some car shops use, to get a readout of varied functions ... so one knows ,exactly what needs attention, repair, tuning.

I'm certain spirit could manage this with the right healer-reader. (and this somewhat is what Edgar Cayce did)
A detailed diagnostic reading, focusing on health; physical, spiritual or emotional.

I've taken a seminar with a healer who does something close to this.. as he can typically spot potential medical issues before they physically manifest, and remove specific spiritual entities that cause problems, as well a spot energy-emotional issues caused by close family-mates.

Anyway,, a diagnostic psychic-spiritual procedure of some sort, could be a boon .. and feasibly there could be developed, a basic procedure one could learn to do on their own....

One thing ya gotta say about medicine... the standardization has enabled medics to learn from one another, things they'd never discover on their own.

I don't wanna hear" this can't work"... but if you do-know something like this. share it , or any resource you're aware of.

YES this is what medical intuitives do ... but I believe this is mostly after a problem is discovered..rather than a diagnostic-preventative reading.

Last edited by Henri77 : 20-05-2012 at 02:43 AM.
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