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Old 02-05-2012, 01:34 PM
Sammy Sammy is offline
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Location: Portland, OR
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You mean out of my bedroom into the hallway or when I exited my front door and went into the foyer which contains the other house numbers... Or did you mean when I reinterred my house through its front door? And what do you mean by opening to the outer limits of consciousness? (edge of the internal world or entry into the real external world)


There was a couple second pause of silence, and I heard clear as day "hello?".

So this sounded like a physical voice while dosing off (commonly called a "memory impression" (a dream snippet followed by consciousness))... Did it continue talking you with an internal method (controlling your thoughts to make it seem like you were talking to yourself) or external as if it was physically with you?


Like any journey we take steps, and the first is proving to yourself that spirit exists.

I love to take things in steps :) The first step was proving that the astral exists (my first book). The second step is to see if "spirits" (astral people never met in real life) exist (my current book). The next step might be exploring higher dimensions to be certain that they exist (maybe my next book).
The door leading "out" of your house or safe zone.

The entity "I later got the name Dave", was loud and clear like he was next to me and much the reason for it startling me. It was LOUD and unmistakable. Dave was the name I was given but it was above labels, the name had some other meaning for it being chosen.

I know it seems like I should have been getting ready for bed, but I was just sitting in the dark and thinking. I actualy stayed up most of the night in this conversation. I wasnt even tired when this took place, just bored. The responses usualy took me off guard and were not what I was expecting, as did the initial "hello". Sometimes I would even have to look up on the net what the entity was talking about because I had never heard it. I was testing this too as I was skeptical of its origin, to see if it was independantly inteligent or if it was comming from my subconscious. I was left with no question this was not comming from me. Even more so when it started telling me things that made little sense, then within a minute or two what was said would take place.

I consider energy to be spirit/astral/phase, or anything that can exist out of a solid form.
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