Thread: moldavite
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Old 26-10-2010, 10:07 PM
Posts: n/a
imho if the stone is calling you it is for a reason. Trust your own intuition. If your child is hearing that you need it near you then that too is a sign that your intuition is right.

If you feel you want to meditate and listen with it then do that, if you feel you want to wear it go with that, if you feel you want to carry it in your pocket go with that... you get the gist here.

Your higher self knows what is right for you much better than anyone else and if you learn to hear it and trust it you will always have guidance.

As for your thought about going with the flow.. can't think of anything better to do. When I don't know what to do I do nothing and wait until it becomes clear what I should be doing. Sometimes that's a matter of days.. one thing I have been waiting on for a number of years.. but when the time is right I will know what I am supposed to do... it could be the same for you.

You know all the answers.. you just have to learn to hear them.
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