Thread: Norse Magick
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Old 14-04-2012, 01:57 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
That sounds interesting. What kind of spells are we talking about?
Mostly protection, and blessings, with some guidance divination. Since I know no practicing Asatru, I have to rely on my previous training for spell work. The coven in which I was initiated was Gardnerian, with a heavy Egyptian influence. Like most Wiccan groups they focused very heavily on the Goddess. Right or wrong, it just wasn't for me, after years of trying to make it fit, I gave up. Much later I discovered Asatru, the pantheon was an instant fit.
I think that you will find the Norse Gods to be less involved in your life than other pantheons. It is rare that they respond at all to an individual. The Gods are concerned with protecting and nurturing the tree, not the individual leaves. I have only received one direct boon, and have actually only ever asked for one. A gas exploration company was planning to level eight acres of our neighbors land, something that he was fine with since they were paying him for it. They wanted to build a road through my field, that zig-zaged right through the middle, ruining about 20 acres of the 90 that I own and cutting off another 10 or 15 acres. I, of course, said no, so they sought another solution. When we purchased the property, we bought a part of a larger farm. When everything was said and done, there was a 1/10 acre plot that lay on the backside of my property that still belonged to the original land owner. What the gas company did was purchase the original land owners easement (an easement means that I have to give the land owner access through my property to get to his). With that piece of paper in their hand they bought in a survey crew and stated driving stakes. Not only could I not say no, I would not be compensated either. Like in most things, magic is my last recourse, I feel that the Gods respect those who take care of themselves. With no legal recourse or physical recourse, I stood under my sacred Oak and asked Odin for help. A month later, the stakes were still there, but no dozers had shown up. A few weeks later a crew showed up and pulled the stakes. The road went in, but it went in from the back side from a county road and never touched my property. I had no further contact with the company, so I have no Idea what changed their minds, or do I?
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