Thread: Sana
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by kundalini
Hi nick,

This name does not mean anything to me but and I don't think I have said this before, when I was trying to find out my Guardian Angel's name, I think I had a lot of names running through my head. That could be classed as imagination!

But eventually, when I wasn't particularly thinking about it, the name 'Maria!' suddenly popped into my thoughts and it was a quite strong impression. Since then, I have always referred to that name when communicating with my Guardian Angel.

So, if it was in similar circumstances, then maybe this is the name of your spirit friend. . .Sana does feel right for a Guardian Angel.

RE-EDIT: I have also since found that Sana appears to be an Arabic word for 'Glorification and Praise' and is also the name of a seraph in an Anime cartoon. I think it is also the name of the capital city of a country called Yemen.

hi , i have also done some research on the word sana and i came up with the same things you found so maybe your right its probably my imagination......if this woman is trying to contact me or if she is my guardian angel then maybe she is trying to contact me through my car i keep having recurring dreams that i cant find my car and everytime my car breaks down and as recently as last friday my car broke down yet again with a sudden oil leak. again maybe it is a coincidence .but to be honest i am in two minds as to what to believe one minute i believe she is there and the next i think im imagining it .....and iw asnt sure if i believed in things like mediums but my sister went to see one yesterday and he said things he couldnt have known about my past family...........i do get so frustrated about not knowing for sure wether all of this is real or not , i know you say it is but i guess im kinda hoping that something big will happen like in the movie "stir of echo's" where he gets hypnotised and after he can see spirits i wish that would happen to me ...also my fiance says she used to be able to see and hear spirits but she had it turned off ....if thats possible......sorry im babbling but i so want to see or talk to this spirit.......