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Old 24-03-2012, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by RiversLady
When did angels start to become female? I re-read my bible (I do this wheneve someone spouts stuff
that I know isn't even alluded to in the famous book) and all angels are male. This is supported by the
Torah and the Quoran. So what gives?

IM pretty sure generally angels are supposed to be asexual (neither male or female), but there are a few passages, and some clearly state male. IT also depends on what translation you use. The KJV had a habit of using male domination.

Ohhhh, it's another new age spirituality thing. Like making the ghost of your dead puppy
into a guardian angel because you cannot deal with being alone again. Then writing about it
to all the other lonely folks crawling the web looking for spiritual satisfaction. Sure it gives
you comfort, but why tie this concept in with angels?

Dispite the tone used, I agree for the most part. We can only do what is familiar with us, and in most cases, its misinterpreted monotheism.

Angels are a special class of beings created by God to serve Him. I will refer to God as a male
since this is being written from a Christian point of view. So don't go thinking elsewhere. Angels
were used as messengers and delivery beings. If it wasn't important enough for God to talk
to you himself, he sent an angel with his word. I wonder why he sent an angel to tell Mary that
she was pregnant with his child? Wasn't this important to him? Ah well, it is not for humans to
understand the workings of the almighty.

Actually, in some parts of genesis God is mentioned as "they", "them" and the like. THis is more then likely from a jewish translation, because in jewish lierature, god was neither male or female (again asexual). Technically god was not intended to me stickly male.

Angels were as you explained, but were also used to test believers and non believers alike. Satan tested job in the NT (when satan was gods best buddy), and in the NT he tested jesus, in the exact same way (when we see satan as being the problem/devil etc).

Also, there is no biblical evidence that the sepent in eden = satan which = lucifer which = the devil. That is a massive misconception. There are SOME ties to serpent to satan (loose), but none in proper context, refering to satan=lucifer=devil who was the serpent. Check it out yourself Youll notice a very strict change from satan in the OT and NT.

The use of angels went into sharp decline after they found the daughters of Adam to be "really hot babes"
and started to take frequent leaves of abscence from heaven to start families with them. God
frowned upon this practise, even though he himself was later to do the same thing with Mary.
But I degress. There is no mention anywhere in any of the sacred texts a mention of a female angel.
For whatever reason, God never made any.

LOL. Sorry your description of "really hot babies" made me laugh

I hope I can spend a bit of time on this topic, because its one that seems to be so misconstrued you cant tell whats bull and whats not anymore.

There is no real association with angels/nephelim, in regards to literal writings. When you get into it, yes, the terms mean roughly the same thing. Most translaters work ive seen, and recent more intensive biblical translation state this, and also the inconsistancies with this (the bible says the chilcren of nephelim and women lived in a city that survived the deluge of noahs flood, when the earlier passages explicitly state "nothing but noah and those on the boat survived". Genesis also mentions them as giants, and or men of renown. Giants and men of renown is thought by some to refer to old stories and myths. Giants are prolific in european and many ancient civs cultures, WELL before christianity was ever around.

You have to realize the books were changed, rewritten, and reassebled. Te original texts taken for the councils of nicea and constantinople, were the jewish texts, and what we know now as gospels, which were part of the same books that we call the gnostics and the like. They were extremely regional, and some books were totaly opposite, as in Satan was in yhwhs place, and yhwah was in satans place. Some show jesus as a deciever, while some have intresting backstories refering to nephilem (book of enoch), and mary magdaline being the person who carries the faith, and her being jesus' "favorite" (gospels of mary magdaline, james and one that escapes my memory). The romans needed to stop the fighting between sects of early christianity, and the fighting between the christians and rome. So rome adopted the christian books, and coompiled them into a colaboration of stories the councils VOTED on, as in what stories were changed, left alone or omited. And this is documented history.

And yes, there are no women angels, more then likely due to the same fact there is no female figureheads in the bible at all. Even mary was pawn, and all the female pagan dieties were demonized

In pre-Christian days, there were flying femme fatales who were known as Harpys. They fit the bill
by having wings, but angelic they were not. Then there were some writings about jinns who could be
female, but again nice they were not. So how did it come to pass that Angels were turned into women?
Dress could be one factor. Angels are depicted in murals has wearing long flowing robes that more
modern people thought looked like dresses. Long flowing hair was also a sign of the feminine. Moral
modern man couldn't very well say that angels were cross dressers, so hey those angels are really women!

A single term, with a small explination :

Womens rights, coupled with thousands of years of misinterpretations, and bad translations.

Cherubs too are only depicted as little boys. Knowing the taste some famous painters had about young
boys this was an obvious progression in glorifying the subject matter. Naked, chubby, little boys with
wings that couldn't provide enough lift to fly a sparrow were all the rage and perhaps a kind of code
used to tell certain of the faithful what was really going on in a certain house of worship. But no girls

Cherubs were also generally described as horrible looking creatures

Another important point about turning your aunt Sylvia into an angel at her passing is that it diminishes
her humanity quite a bit. Man was made BETTER than angels. I found reference to one angel getting so angry
about this that he went on a tear and tried to take over heaven. We all know how that worked out.
The most beautiful angel of light was given his own place and now invites all those who do bad things to
take up residency there.

You do realize satan and jesus have been referenced to the same thing before? They were both referenced to "light bearer" or "bringer of light" and things attuned to "morning/evening star". Lucifer was a king of babylon, but most christians use this term to describe satan (gross misinterpretation, there is no text or reason to assume this), and in other texts jesus was likened to the same "light bearer" reference...

Don't fall for the new and improved versions of angels. Make Mr. Twitchy into a guardian spirit or helper
if you must keep his soul around. But don't call him an angel. And don't plan on becoming one yourself if
you were human in this incarnation. That means you would go backwards in spiritual growth. Instead
realize that you are at the top right now.

There is only one thing about that. Beliefs and religions are constantly changing, almost as fast as our technology and society. Things like this down the road may become tradition. As of right now, in the bible that we know, you are right. Generally speaking it is a misinterpretation to say there are female angels. It just depends on how you were brought upo
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