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Old 19-03-2012, 09:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SpiritCarrier
I was wondering, after reading what you wrote about the incident with the knife, how did that action make you feel inside? (Considering all the outcomes that could have happened)

It made me feel horrible for about 10 seconds, got my emotions in check because I realized I needed to do it or my friend would die. I don't think about it much (having been 5 years since the incident), but when I do, I remember how willing and powerful humans can be. I channel that into 'bigger picture' thought and reform of planet earth.

use energy so that we do not destroy the planet we live on

Humans from around 2030-2050 are heating up the planet by coming back into our time, because an alien race known as the 'Min' want to occupy our planet, but they can't if it's too hot. If you could see half the satellites in orbit, they would be advanced human and advanced min technology (the min are trying to cool the planet.)

We are looking for someone to show us how to live peaceably with those who are different from us, how to have human rights upheld no matter where you live, and the list goes on. The task is daunting but someone like you could pick one area and find a solution that is workable. Then move on to the next. One step at a time and soon the world is a better place.

I have greater ideas, such as a society with no government, society with no control, no companies, no schools. I still don't know yet.

I hope I have helped in some small way to show you that focus and hard work, not violence is the way to accomplish this task

I've read every word you posted, twice. You've made me open to the possibility of an even different way, beside violence. One I haven't though of. I will continue to formulate.

Thank you.
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