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Old 18-03-2012, 07:19 AM
Posts: n/a
Come here to change

Hello. My name is Caelan, and I am and Indigo. I recently turned 18. I know why I came to Earth. I came here to lead Humans into true peace. I have a divine soul. I have unmeasurable intelligence (taken several different High IQ society tests, scored over the testing range, which is 210+ IQ). I took an advanced adult IQ test when I was 13 years old, and scored 161 points. I am only telling you this so in the event somebody honestly reads this, they know more about who I am. It brings great fear to me the way the Human race is being controlled, abused, and altered evilly by our own supposed 'leaders', if you want to give them the luxury of calling them that. I'm not talking about the same views that the completely useless Occupy Wall Street 'movement' has. I am talking about a much deeper subject.

[A side note. As I just finished this sentence, I heard my named called twice and I couldn't understand the rest. I took off my headphones (as I was listening to music) and could still hear it. My father's girlfriend, who is a Star child as well, and mastered her ESP abilities, came into my room and talked to it for about 3 minutes. I don't know what about.]

Anyways, the subject I am talking about, is not nearly as simple as being a subject in itself -- the 'subject' is everything. Invisible government. Inhumane wars. Humans not living free of worry or pain. This is absolutely RIDICULOUS AND MUST STOP. I am not an emotional person, but when I talk about this subject, I become overwhelmed with anger and hatred. I know we cannot solve these issues without violence. We need to understand that first of all.

[Side note: I now believe low/evil frequencies are trying to delay me. Typing this, I have now almost blacked out twice. My dad's girlfriend instructed me to do a 2 minute meditation (equivalent to a face wash). She says she feels the bad frequencies as well.]

I can continue on, but I don't want to spend my time typing if it does not conjure a response.

Please reply. I know my "Side notes" may sound stupid, or fake, and I do apologize for being so vague on the topics that I bring up. What I say/said may sound controversial, or fake to some. I can assure you, I am no internet 'troll'. I would absolutely love to talk with anyone interested. Please get back to me.

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