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Old 13-03-2012, 03:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Squatchit
Thank you Stephen.

I've read most OBE authors but for reasons unknown to me, I haven't read William Buhlman...yet. Xan mentions him a lot and I still haven't got round to buying one of his books.

However, I've bookmarked the link you shared and so will have a listen in due course. Thanks!

Heeehee I've essentially stopped buying books because they just tend to sit there and collect dust... this podcast thing is a most amazing
work-around... I can still get things done while I'm learning the particulars of what others are diving-into! I'll google an author on the internet and
collect all the podcastings I can find from them... somethings are repetitive but with each interview there's always something different... and I love
tuning-into their voices and personality projections... when we read a book we tend to overlay the narrative with our own personalized leanings... while
listening to them directly feels uniquely more expansive. For the moment I'm totally hooked on podcasts.... while my wife likes the fact that I'm still
focused on getting the needed things done! :^)
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