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Old 12-03-2012, 03:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by CearaQC

I am interested to read stories about visiting Astral classrooms, healing centers, and a welcome area.

I got one that you may be able to use that fits with what you're asking... :^)

I found over time that it's really easy to delineate between what is a dream and what is a learning exposure. The higher level of exposures have a very
distinct feeling of importance...

In this one I was very conscious-that-I-was-awake within a dream, and was standing outside what looked to be a castle wall. I arrived as the tall
doors that were embedded in the wall were opening. It seemed that a classroom was letting out with people exiting and fanning out in both
directions. I was about 50 feet or so from the opening. As I stood there a really interesting and wise appearing woman approached me from the
opening and in her hands she carried a most beautiful sword. No words were exchanged but she spoke to me quite clearly in dream language. I
knew what she held was a sword of knowledge, it was designed to cut through confusion in order to more comfortably access the rhythms of
greater clarity.... but there was a caveat before I could use it... she set it on the ground and over it she placed a well... it was one of those drop-a-bucket
kind in order to scoop up water. At first I was confused because I wanted the sword, but the message came through quite clear: "when you are well,
the sword will be yours".

I had many many issues to deal with at the time (my early twenties) so I wasn't quite stable enough to responsibly handle this level of
knowing... so it was presented as a promise, but not intended for ready access...

I woke-up from this going "drats!" but a deeper part of myself recognized the wisdom of what she did... while this "getting well" thing has been
steadily unfolding since... :^)
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