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Old 03-03-2012, 11:30 PM
Usako Usako is offline
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Originally Posted by KrystalleSama
^ i like your makeup too, and i def dont think you should give up the mascara. A girl always loks better with mascara/ fake lashes on, cuz they make the eyes stand out, oh gosh this has turned into a makeup thread haha.
and also as a guy, i can tell you we do/ feel stuff and we are in the moment...then we dont think about it anymore...maybe he did think of you then, if you were someone important then, or if you were on his mind at the time...

Yes, eyes definitely pop with mascara on, though fake eyelashes isn't something that shouldn't be use regularly or you might end up with no real eyelashes.

This is how my eyes look with fake eyelashes, is the only time I've used them, it was my university graduation ceremony so the occasion merited it, besides with those awful caps and gows the only things that can be seen are the face, shoes and hands.

That is why I envy guys, you are so capable of leaving things easily behind, or at least you are able to function "normally" with a broken heart. When I was with this "other" guy (we were constantly on and off) while broken-up I would talk to him and he'd behave normally and say "I don't want to be with you", then afterwards when together he'd say how much he missed me, and even cried about it, how much he hurt but he would "Put that in the back of my head, forget about it and work.

Originally Posted by NekoTheCat
どういたしまして [=you're welcome]

1. practice, practice, and practice again. ask your friends/sisters [if you have any sisters] to let you use makeup on them, it could help, what do i know? lol
2. i never doubted that ;)
4. the actions will tell you more about his feelings towards you than a song, so thats not *dependance* at all. but then again, if he is really artistic, he could find it much more easy to express his feelings towards you, or anyone through art [music, drawings, whatever he likes best]

maybe what you really want to find out is this *does he feel the same way, now?*

oh, one more thing.. different guys like different features on a girl. for instance i know this guy who gets mesmerized by a girl's smile [even if 100 other guys would say shes an average jane], other guys would fall head over heels for a girls eyes, her hair and so on.

dont let all this put you down, though
but now, im really curious of that song and its lyrics.. lol

You speak japanese???????

1-No sisters, only child (well a 13 years older half-sister who lives far away) and "no" friends. But I guess practice-practice-practice is what needed for anything you want to be good at! Use it or lose it, one might say, which is why I now draw like a ten year old.
4-Yep, he's really artistic, like me he's a designer.

Talking about smiles, this is the smile that goes with the eyes above:

This has turned into such a "me-me-me-me" thread that I am starting to fear I might appear as conceited or narcissistic which is so not who I am!

Yes, I guess what you put between ** is a question I have, though there's a "bigger picture" behind it.

No problemo, I don't mind sharing what the song is, actually there are no lyrics, is 90% instrumental, here it is in case you want to give it a listen, it's really beautiful:

Windows to the Soul - Steve Vai

The only spoken words are:

In your eyes I found comfort and peace (at the beginning)


The treasure of an endless ocean of love lies in your soul, behind the wonders that are your eyes. (at the end).

I guess this explains why I was so curious about my own eyes. :P
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