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Old 20-02-2012, 10:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by oliviasang

Can you explain what you mean a little more for me, as I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying people who have demons attached to them speak to you? Or that they possess someone to speak with you?

I speak with demons, but I personally don’t see much difference between talking to them and angels. I call both and speak to both about the same way.

Neither angels nor demons have a gender per se.


Im talking when the demon has made a home within the person and for some reason they (demons) speak to me.

I see demons with the souls that I help cross... I have seen them in people and I had them talk to me through the individual that they are in.. I've known a person who has had more experiences than I and he says a demon taught him martial arts.. but, for me I dont want to take communication to that level with them.. Demons are not of my Father God.. And No one or thing is Above God! All must answer To Life and Thats God.

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever
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