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Old 18-02-2012, 11:20 PM
Posts: n/a
It seems like everyone has an opinion on these things, but I have to agree with Astral Explorer`s post. A bit of advice though is that these things are difficult to understand, many things are kept secret and aren`t well studied, and therefore open to interpretation and theorizing. It may be useful to follow another`s view, but their view might not be correct or practical.

I`ll say what others have already said, that it`s important to overcome your fears. The problem is you`ll probably develop some new ones once you start APing. In the moment you are feeling strong apprehension for something new, you must press on regardless. It requires willpower and courage.

I have encountered negs before I started projecting, and one of them has surely left me. And I`ve only noticed that recently when thinking back to previous sleep paralysis episodes. A current entity read these thoughts and then pretended to mimic the spirit who left in order to cause me doubt. The being did a poor impression, but that`s just how deceptive they try to be.

Anyway, enough of that...AE, They don`t stick around forever unless they`re seriously attached and attracted by some emotion you have, or if they`re planted there by other beings in order to block your spiritual growth. As for the spasms in your feet, negs are known to go through your root energy first in order to attach. If you`re ever in a half-awake state and your feet feel like they`re moving by themselves, that`s a sure sign of attachment. Stick some bags of salt in your socks while you sleep (as silly as that sounds :P) and it will mess up the other being`s energy and grounding.
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