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Old 03-02-2012, 11:55 AM
mysterynomore mysterynomore is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 59
There is one thing that I wanted to mention.

Our earth resonates at 6 to 8 hertz frequency.
As most would know, this is called the shuman resonance cavity.
Our consiousness also resonates at the same rate.
So there is a sycronicity with our awareness and the earth's biofield. This is basically the earth's grid.

This resonance has been distorted....It's like were stuck in a frequency that vibrates at a different level.
Were been put of balance basically.
our meridian points...chakra systems.

That's why were finding it hard to lock into the earth's grid points with our consciousness.

The corridors or gateways are toned at at different frequency to our natural state.

It's easy to see how this has been put in place.
With all the wave length's of radio and microwave emmisions that bombard our atmosphere, the distortion is on a massive scale.
There are mobile phone towers..some call them cell towers,
haarp and so on and on...It's endless on how many devices, that have been put in place.

It's made it harder for us to reconnect to the grid.
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