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Old 03-02-2012, 11:44 AM
mysterynomore mysterynomore is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 59
Dimensions don't have bounderies as such..To go into what we term another dimension, we go into another vibration.
I'm not totally sure how they work but I assume they overlap each other with different frequency or tones that permeate through each system.

Colours are so much more vivid, that words are not able to describe them.
It's not viewed through senses but in consciouness.
It's like it's part of you...If you know what I mean.

You can view other people..It comes down to your belief system on what you view.

I found that my awarness travels in some sort of triangle..Pyramid shape..This is like a protective coating.
Not sure how to put it in words really.
It's impossible to put the experience through to someone else.

You don't have a body...You seem immersed in this large awareness that draws you in and you travel inside it.
The problem is, if you fear it, you get drawn back.
Seems like a mechanism of sorts.
Even if there is a danger associated with an entity, you get drawn back.
Not at any stage do I think there is danger to me personally.
It really depends on the person..There are many people that just live in fear and there lives are fear based.
This energy will draw certain things into your point of view.

There are techniques, but I'm not going to give certain ones out. Only because they won't work for the majority of people.

There are many variables that can come into play..Depending on the persons health and there belief systems..Which are mainly fear based.
You have to have an inert strength of self knowing that your free to roam into these realms, because were born to do so.

People have become used to this reality so much that they would fear any unknown experience of the ethric.

In doing this, any technique won't work.

But I'll give one that will give a experience of drawing enery's through. This is the best one for people on many levels...Not just the grid but openning up energy and attracting these energy's..It will work as a mini intiation..A house of personal energy experience.

This can do many things...Not only going into the grid when your ready, but experiencing energy from the grid.

You have heard of pyramids that are for sale in a miniture state, that people go into and meditate basically.

They are made of plastic basically..and you put them together.

There no good..

What needs to be done, is one made in the same measurements as the great pyramid, but sized down..around 4 foot high or so.

they have to be made from copper..base and sides.. you need eight poles..

In these poles you need to place quartz crystal....

All these are conduits of energy...
After this is done you can place quartz inside as you wish.
The tibetan bowl can be used before you relax and try to go into a quiet mind to connect. The tones from the bowl open a energy of sorts.
Doing it a fair few times will anchor a vortex that you have created into the grid.
Don't expect it to happen straight away all this.
Take your time to balance the energy and get used to it first.
When your mind gets used to it and you feel comfortable and don't fear it.
Then things start to open up.

Don't rush it..Take your time..Get used to it first.
Even if it's a few months down the track..You get to a stage were your body gets used to these energy's and you don't fear it anymore, you start to be more adventurous with your intent.
What holds people back basically is, that they aren't used to an ethric energy experience and they fear it..
When this happens, you won't get jack ****.
I wanted to high lite that part..FEAR WILL HOLD YOU BACK..
This apply's to anything you do in life.

If anyone goes into making this device..At the top part you can place a quartz crystal.
I guarantee that this will open up energy's if it's done probably.

It's built on the same principles as the great pyramid but scaled down. As we know the pyramid is a conduit to the vortex points.

You need to earth this device.
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